Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Descriptive Essay About Pancake House - 1500 Words

Day one: I was still awake. It was three o clock in the morning, and this was the morning I had been waiting for. This was the day that I would go to the boundary water. I was extremely excited to go, but you know, a little nervous because after all it was my very first time. I was up packing my bag with all the supplies I needed that we had bought the day before. Stuff like, you know, camping dishes, pillow, matches. When I had finished packing all the stuff, which barely fitted it was already almost five o clock in the morning. Me and my parents put everything into the car and left the house they seemed pretty tired but I was wide awake. We arrived at the school where the coach bus would pick us up, me and a couple friends and my†¦show more content†¦We canoed a while to our next portage which was, if you know something about portaging about thirty rods long so not that bad. But that s when I realized how heavy those portaging backpacks actually were. By that night I had a fair amo unt of mosquito plus a few deer fly bites. My shoulders ached. Day three: When I woke up I felt sore all over. I was on breakfast duty that day so I had to make the pancakes and bacon, which I burned and were not good. But I tried†¦ We took down the tents and when everything was put back into the backpacks we were off. We canoed down the small lakes and then we hit the river. We knew about this river and knew that it was very fast and had quite a strong current. We all knew that we obviously couldn t paddle down it so we got out of our canoes and slowly held onto our canoes while we were simultaneously holding onto the branches to keep us from being pulled down the river, hitting our heads on the sharp rocks. As I was close to exiting the fast current when I stepped into a very deep spot out of nowhere. I tripped and fell backwards, and my head went under the cold water. I felt numb. I reached up and my friend grabbed my hand and helped me up. Luckily we made it past the river without any deaths. The rest of the portaging that day was complete torture being in soaking wet clothes. That night in the tent, I had to use the bathroom, well there obviously isnShow MoreRelatedMaking Sense of Advertisements Daniel Pope8330 Words   |  34 Pagesfully and graphically rewrite the history of our time.† Few if any historians today would claim that they could compose a complete history of an era from its advertisements, but in recent years scholars have creatively probed advertisements for clues about the society and the business environment that produced them. The presence of many excellent online collections of advertisements provides learners as well as established scholars the opportunity to examine these sources in new ways. The experience

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