Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Spirit Of Project Management - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about The Spirit Of Project Management. Answer: Introduction Resource can be defined as the method which generally comprises of planning of resource for a project (Greene and Stellman, 2013). The term generally helps in analyzing the amount of resource which is needed for a project. Project management plays an important role for limiting the tight budget which is generally involved in this project that is construction of a gym. Discussion Kinds of Resource required in Gym The resource is nothing but a necessary asset which mainly aims in carrying out a certain number of task and projects related to it. A resource can be considered to be a kind of person, a tool and finance. Various projects need different kinds of project for completion of its order. Resource should be allocated before the starting of a project (Neal and Harpham, 2012). Poor or Bad planning of resource can result in running out of various kinds of resources in the middle phase of a project. Project management generally needs two kinds of abilities for correctly resourcing of a project that are technical needs and behavioral. Different technologies must be used for estimating the demands of resource, creation of a staff management plan, assign of one or more activities (Rowlinson, YunyanJia and ChuanjingJu, 2014). There are large number of tools which are used for identification and scheduling. Team plan is mainly done with help of human resource management plan and staff management pl an. Resource assignment is generally posted by making use of Gantt chart. Resource leveling is a technique which is used by workers for reducing the amount of slack which is available. Budget required in a Gym Plan cost management is the process or method which is used for establishment of policies, procedures and documents which are needed for a series of steps ranging from planning to controlling (Marle, Vidal and Bocquet, 2013). Cost management plan is a part of project management plan which is needed for determining the method how the cost will be planned, structured and controlled. Estimation of cost is method for development of process which is generally needed for completion of various kinds of activities of project. Project manager need to have an idea regarding when the cost estimation need to be developed. During the initiation of project various project managers need to be sure about the accuracy and the method which can be used. Determination of budget is technique of aggregation of cost individual activities or packages which is needed to be established for a baseline of cost. For proper development of budget, it is the duty of project managers to aggregate the cost of various products related to the given project (Rowlinson, YunyanJia and ChuanjingJu, 2014). Cost control can be defined as the method of analyzing the status of the project for updating of cost and baseline related to it. Resource Activity Budget Dumbbells With the help of dumbbells an endless of activities can be performed. Hex shaped dumbbells with rubber pads tends to last for a longer period and tends to be most comfortable during a workout. 3-5 sets in a range which can be used for various kinds of exercise. $24-30 Kettlebell Movements of kettlebells are similar to a dumbbell. Certain kettlebells have some unique movements and some movements are considered to have challenging while having workout with different products. $18-60 Pull up bar Pull up bars have large number of function like it can be used for various kinds of basis activities like hanging freely for a long period of time which means that each and every core. $25-30 Rings Rings are light weight things which can perform various kinds of body exercises. Rings improvise the ability to increase the variety of exercise by providing a variety of workouts by making use of lexicon of gymnastic exercise. $34-40 Plyo-box Boxes are considered to be great tool for building power and quickness. It can be used for number of activities like bench dips and activities related to non-jumping activities. $100-300 Jump rope Jumping of rope can increase the elasticity of lower muscle of leg. This tool is used for improvisation of coordination. $10-20 Barbell Barbell like other kinds of free weights are generally used because of the fact that it has a great stabilization and helps in enhancing the workouts. $49-72 Treadmill It is a well-known equipment which is used in gym. This machine or equipment provides a great warm up exercise before any kind of bone exercise. $499-550 Exercise balls Commercial gym is considered to be worthless or useless without this particular equipment. This exercise ball is very useful which can easily put a target on the abdominal muscles. $8-$14 Cable pulley machines A cable dependent is a well-known gym equipment which makes use of weight system. In this equipment the weight stack is generally lifted by various pulleys which can be utilized in one side or both the sides. $124-$250 Table 1: Resource and Budget table (Source: Created by Author) Conclusion From the above discussion it can be concluded that this report is all about kinds of resource which need in a project. The report also addresses on the idea regarding the budget which is needed for a project. Two tables have been developed regarding the budget and resource of this project that is construction of a gym. References Greene, J. and Stellman, A., 2013.Head First PMP: A Learner's Companion to Passing the Project Management Professional Exam. " O'Reilly Media, Inc." pp.115-180. Marle, F., Vidal, L.A. and Bocquet, J.C., 2013. Interactions-based risk clustering methodologies and algorithms for complex project management.International Journal of Production Economics,142(2), pp.225-234. Neal, J. and Harpham, A., 2012.The spirit of project management. Gower Publishing, Ltd.107-148. Rowlinson, S., YunyanJia, A., Li, B. and ChuanjingJu, C., 2014. Management of climatic heat stress risk in construction: a review of practices, methodologies, and future research.Accident Analysis Prevention,66, pp.187-198.

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