Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Sensorimotor Stage of Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive...

The theorist, Jean Piaget, was most interested in the development of children’s intellectual organization. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development begins with the sensorimotor stage. Sensorimotor intelligence is thinking by observing objects and acting in response to them. Throughout the stages the child understands that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen which is referred to as object permanence. When a child exhibits a behavior that creates an experience that leads to repetition of the behavior this is known as a circular reaction. (Berk, 2010) The sensorimotor stage is focused from birth to two years. It is divided into six substages as the infant learns to coordinate their senses and motor skills. The content†¦show more content†¦The infant will by accident engage in some form of behavior and if the child finds it enjoyable the child will repeat it. An example is an infant sucking their thumb. It may not have been intentional the first time, but they may repeat the action because it comforted them. At this stage the child learns how to help console themselves. These types of reactions are called primary circular reactions. This stage is about coordinating feelings and new patterns. The third substage is similar to the second, but it focuses on the external objects not the infant’s own body. Once the primary circular reactions become boring the infant advances to the secondary where they explore with objects. The child is more focused on the world and begins to intentionally repeat an action in order to trigger a response in their environment. (Piaget, Gruber, Voneche, 1977) The child may shake a rattle, hit a mobile, or drop or throw objects repeatedly. Depending on what they feel about the outcome of their actions the action may or may not be repeated. When a child shakes a rattle and it makes noise that scares them they learn to not repeat that action. If the child knows that by kicking the side of the crib it will make the mobile move they may repeat this action if they enjoy the movement of the mobile. Once the child is clearly intentional with their actions they have reached substage four. The child develops a sense of anticipation and prediction. This can be done byShow MoreRelatedJean Piaget s Cognitive Theory Essay1750 Words   |  7 Pageswell-renowned twentieth century scholar responsible for the development of the Cognitive Theory, focusing on how people think over time, which, in turn, reflects in how how attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are shaped. Jean Piaget observed and divided the Cognitive Theory into four periods of cognitive development, which occur in the following order: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How Slavery Has Changed Today s Modern Society - 1324 Words

How do you define slavery in today’s modern society? The word slavery sparks up heated conversations. The idea that all humans were born with their own rights, no matter what race or class they were in, was not prevalent during the early developmental stages of America. There has always been slaves throughout the history of man, dating all the way back to the 1600’s until today’s day in age when it is no longer legal but still seems to prevail. There are still cases in which slavery still exist but is more commonly hidden from the public eye. The only thing that has changed for slavery is the mindset behind it and the openness for it. Instead of race having to be the main aspect, people believed fate determined if you were free or enslaved. The people of that time believed that if you were born at the bottom of society you were indefinitely going to stay at the bottom in a society of poverty. How would people describe slaves? A slave is a person who is the property of another person. It is a person who is entirely under the influence or obedience of their proprietor. They are individuals being owned as if they were money and goods. Slavery in America dates all the way back to the early 17th century and was continually practiced for many decades after in the newly formed colonies and states. Slaves were first brought to America to aid in the production of tobacco, but as time went on the demand for cotton increased from the production of the cotton gin, resultingShow MoreRelatedThe Fiction Film District 9 And The Novel Dawn1244 Words   |  5 Pagesin today s society. Humans have made it possible to change society and end slavery. Slavery has always been a delicate topic, especially when it is experienced. Despite the differences between their color of their skin and culture slavery was abolished. Aliens depict a different feature of slavery but carry the same aspect . 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Spirit Of Project Management - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about The Spirit Of Project Management. Answer: Introduction Resource can be defined as the method which generally comprises of planning of resource for a project (Greene and Stellman, 2013). The term generally helps in analyzing the amount of resource which is needed for a project. Project management plays an important role for limiting the tight budget which is generally involved in this project that is construction of a gym. Discussion Kinds of Resource required in Gym The resource is nothing but a necessary asset which mainly aims in carrying out a certain number of task and projects related to it. A resource can be considered to be a kind of person, a tool and finance. Various projects need different kinds of project for completion of its order. Resource should be allocated before the starting of a project (Neal and Harpham, 2012). Poor or Bad planning of resource can result in running out of various kinds of resources in the middle phase of a project. Project management generally needs two kinds of abilities for correctly resourcing of a project that are technical needs and behavioral. Different technologies must be used for estimating the demands of resource, creation of a staff management plan, assign of one or more activities (Rowlinson, YunyanJia and ChuanjingJu, 2014). There are large number of tools which are used for identification and scheduling. Team plan is mainly done with help of human resource management plan and staff management pl an. Resource assignment is generally posted by making use of Gantt chart. Resource leveling is a technique which is used by workers for reducing the amount of slack which is available. Budget required in a Gym Plan cost management is the process or method which is used for establishment of policies, procedures and documents which are needed for a series of steps ranging from planning to controlling (Marle, Vidal and Bocquet, 2013). Cost management plan is a part of project management plan which is needed for determining the method how the cost will be planned, structured and controlled. Estimation of cost is method for development of process which is generally needed for completion of various kinds of activities of project. Project manager need to have an idea regarding when the cost estimation need to be developed. During the initiation of project various project managers need to be sure about the accuracy and the method which can be used. Determination of budget is technique of aggregation of cost individual activities or packages which is needed to be established for a baseline of cost. For proper development of budget, it is the duty of project managers to aggregate the cost of various products related to the given project (Rowlinson, YunyanJia and ChuanjingJu, 2014). Cost control can be defined as the method of analyzing the status of the project for updating of cost and baseline related to it. Resource Activity Budget Dumbbells With the help of dumbbells an endless of activities can be performed. Hex shaped dumbbells with rubber pads tends to last for a longer period and tends to be most comfortable during a workout. 3-5 sets in a range which can be used for various kinds of exercise. $24-30 Kettlebell Movements of kettlebells are similar to a dumbbell. Certain kettlebells have some unique movements and some movements are considered to have challenging while having workout with different products. $18-60 Pull up bar Pull up bars have large number of function like it can be used for various kinds of basis activities like hanging freely for a long period of time which means that each and every core. $25-30 Rings Rings are light weight things which can perform various kinds of body exercises. Rings improvise the ability to increase the variety of exercise by providing a variety of workouts by making use of lexicon of gymnastic exercise. $34-40 Plyo-box Boxes are considered to be great tool for building power and quickness. It can be used for number of activities like bench dips and activities related to non-jumping activities. $100-300 Jump rope Jumping of rope can increase the elasticity of lower muscle of leg. This tool is used for improvisation of coordination. $10-20 Barbell Barbell like other kinds of free weights are generally used because of the fact that it has a great stabilization and helps in enhancing the workouts. $49-72 Treadmill It is a well-known equipment which is used in gym. This machine or equipment provides a great warm up exercise before any kind of bone exercise. $499-550 Exercise balls Commercial gym is considered to be worthless or useless without this particular equipment. This exercise ball is very useful which can easily put a target on the abdominal muscles. $8-$14 Cable pulley machines A cable dependent is a well-known gym equipment which makes use of weight system. In this equipment the weight stack is generally lifted by various pulleys which can be utilized in one side or both the sides. $124-$250 Table 1: Resource and Budget table (Source: Created by Author) Conclusion From the above discussion it can be concluded that this report is all about kinds of resource which need in a project. The report also addresses on the idea regarding the budget which is needed for a project. Two tables have been developed regarding the budget and resource of this project that is construction of a gym. References Greene, J. and Stellman, A., 2013.Head First PMP: A Learner's Companion to Passing the Project Management Professional Exam. " O'Reilly Media, Inc." pp.115-180. Marle, F., Vidal, L.A. and Bocquet, J.C., 2013. Interactions-based risk clustering methodologies and algorithms for complex project management.International Journal of Production Economics,142(2), pp.225-234. Neal, J. and Harpham, A., 2012.The spirit of project management. Gower Publishing, Ltd.107-148. Rowlinson, S., YunyanJia, A., Li, B. and ChuanjingJu, C., 2014. Management of climatic heat stress risk in construction: a review of practices, methodologies, and future research.Accident Analysis Prevention,66, pp.187-198.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Influence of Supply and Demand on Corn Prices

Historical Trends in Corn Prices and Supply And Demand of Previous Years Prices have largely been influenced by the supply and demands rates. Regarding the supply factors for corn prices, specific attention should be paid to the analysis of stocks, production, and imports. The presented numerical data was premised on the situation with carryover and beginning stocks that influence supply rates of corn.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Influence of Supply and Demand on Corn Prices specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In particular, larger stocks ensured extra supplies in case the production level was low whereas small stocks did not provided safety grounds and could negatively influence supply. All these reforms contributed supply rates was significantly diminished causing increase in corn prices. However, it did not influence the corn price because the demand rates remain the same. Regarding the supply and de mand rates, corn prices in 2002/2003 period equaled to $ 0.34 per bushel whereas the period from 2003 to 2003 reveals a significant price rise by $ 1.66 per bushel. The next year, the price was almost doubled and reached $ 3.4 per bushel (Leibtag 2). The period of increase, from 2005 to 2005 is explained by an increased demand for corn-based ethanol production. Higher demand of corn use in food production has also contribute to the increase in supply, which followed by the increase in prices. The increase in price observed is associated with higher demand for ethanol. As a result, demand for corn increased due to the increased demand for ethanol, which later influenced positively the price of corn. Judging from the above, the farmers are likely to increase prices on corn because of the demand on the products made from corn – ethanol and corn flakes. Corn was also used for feeding cattle (Leibtag 4). The fluctuations in price were explained by higher demand for corn involved i nto the production of food, including ethanol, corn flakes, and corn syrup for beverages (Hoffman 2). The 2007-2008 marketing years also provides a significant increase in prices from $ 3.28 per bushel in 2007 to $ 5.26 per bushel in 2008 (National Agricultural Statistics Service 1). Annual report statistics on farm income for the period from 2008 to 2012 has proved that revenues for producing corns have witnessed $ 1.4 (0.7 %) rise. The increase is relatively lower that it was in period between 2007 and 2008 years (about $ 2). However, the corn prices follow a steady tendency of price augmentation.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A significant rise in prices observed in years 2007 and 2008 can be explained by variations in supply and demand on the product. In this respect, increased supply influences positively the price, but if supply increase along with demand, c orn price rates will be unchanged. At the same time, if demand increases, the price rates will also increase. Projection of Supply And Demand Numbers for the Next Year With regard to the above corn price rates due to the increased demand of corn, the future perspective promise to be positive. Increase in supply can also negatively influence the corn prices unless the demand rates fluctuate. Regarding the time series graphs (Sea â€Å"U.S. Corn Supply†), the supply of corn promises to augment steadily. The explanation for this can be presented with reference to corn price rates for the previous years. Hence, as it has been presented earlier, corn prices gradually augmented and experienced a significant rise in period between 2005 and 2007. Regarding the table, the supply of corn also been significantly increased. Therefore, it can be suggested that increase in supply can be connected to the increase in corn prices. Supply rates should be closely intertwined with demand levels because it will significantly influence the corn price fluctuations. Looking at the diagram (sea graph â€Å"U.S. corn utilization†) allows us to understand what factors does demand variations involve, including ending stock, export needs, corn-based ethanol production, and feed and residual needs. In addition, one can track a slight growth of corn utilization in the sphere of fuel alcohol production, that has grown by 7 million gallons from 2003 to 2009 (USDA n. p.). While synthesizing the demand and supply rates with the corn prices projections, it should be stressed that corn price will encounter a relative fall (See graph â€Å"U.S. corn price and stocks-to-use ratio†). Despite the fact that corn prices have extremely increased by 2009, a slight decline in corn prices will be expected in future years. So, the price for bushel will be below $ 4 (Hoffman 3). Despite the fact that corn prices will be lower, the demand for this product will be higher than in 2006 and a s a result, the prices will be much higher in 2012. Overall, the presented analysis proves that introduction of a new seed to the corn market can be beneficial due to a wide variety of perspective for corn price augmentation.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Influence of Supply and Demand on Corn Prices specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Potential Pitfalls of the Price Corn Analysis The correlations between previous trends and future trends prove that corn prices will be raised due to a number of factors. Specifically, the supply for corn will be higher because of demand of corn-based ethanol production, food and beverage production, and feed grain production. Despite the promising forecast, considering possible risks and pitfalls is also important. For instance, it is impossible to predict the regular increase in ethanol demand, which is among the key sources for corn farmers to receive significant net pr ofits. In addition, it is impossible to forecast how water utilization and fertilizer can influence the yield gains. Finally, trends in prices for other crops can also be increased, which can influence the supply and demand for corn. Recommendations to the Upper Managers Judging from the presented projection of corn price rates for the next year, the introduction of the new corn seeds should be introduced because it will have a number of benefits. First of all, because the supply and demand rates are relatively steady, the corn price will also remain stable. Second, the introduction of a new product will attract more farmers who want to increase demand for their products. Specifically, because they will be able to produce much greater amount of corn on the same area, they can receive much more revenues that they expect. Third, corn prices tendencies are likely to grow further due to the increased demand of corn that is often used for producing other important products, such as ethan ol, corn flakes, and feed corn for cattle. An important notice should be given to external factors that influence supply and demand rates of corn, which implies reviewing corn price fluctuation in a broader context. Finally, the presented graphs revealing information on the interdependency of corn price, supply, and demand prove the tendency of price stability in future. Works Cited Hoffman, Linwood, 2005, Forecasting the Counter-Cyclical Payment Rate for U.S. Corn. An Application of the Future Price. Electronic Outlook Report from the Electronic Research Service. PDF file. Leibtag, Ephraim. 2008, Corn Prices Near Record High, But What about Food Costs? Economic Research Service. Web.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More National Agricultural Statistics Service 2008, Agricultural prices –corn. PDF file. Web. USDA. USDA Feed Grain Baseline, 2010-2019. Corn: Market Outlook. 2010. Web. This research paper on Influence of Supply and Demand on Corn Prices was written and submitted by user Clark Marks to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.