Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Sensorimotor Stage of Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive...

The theorist, Jean Piaget, was most interested in the development of children’s intellectual organization. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development begins with the sensorimotor stage. Sensorimotor intelligence is thinking by observing objects and acting in response to them. Throughout the stages the child understands that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen which is referred to as object permanence. When a child exhibits a behavior that creates an experience that leads to repetition of the behavior this is known as a circular reaction. (Berk, 2010) The sensorimotor stage is focused from birth to two years. It is divided into six substages as the infant learns to coordinate their senses and motor skills. The content†¦show more content†¦The infant will by accident engage in some form of behavior and if the child finds it enjoyable the child will repeat it. An example is an infant sucking their thumb. It may not have been intentional the first time, but they may repeat the action because it comforted them. At this stage the child learns how to help console themselves. These types of reactions are called primary circular reactions. This stage is about coordinating feelings and new patterns. The third substage is similar to the second, but it focuses on the external objects not the infant’s own body. Once the primary circular reactions become boring the infant advances to the secondary where they explore with objects. The child is more focused on the world and begins to intentionally repeat an action in order to trigger a response in their environment. (Piaget, Gruber, Voneche, 1977) The child may shake a rattle, hit a mobile, or drop or throw objects repeatedly. Depending on what they feel about the outcome of their actions the action may or may not be repeated. When a child shakes a rattle and it makes noise that scares them they learn to not repeat that action. If the child knows that by kicking the side of the crib it will make the mobile move they may repeat this action if they enjoy the movement of the mobile. Once the child is clearly intentional with their actions they have reached substage four. The child develops a sense of anticipation and prediction. This can be done byShow MoreRelatedJean Piaget s Cognitive Theory Essay1750 Words   |  7 Pageswell-renowned twentieth century scholar responsible for the development of the Cognitive Theory, focusing on how people think over time, which, in turn, reflects in how how attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are shaped. Jean Piaget observed and divided the Cognitive Theory into four periods of cognitive development, which occur in the following order: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How Slavery Has Changed Today s Modern Society - 1324 Words

How do you define slavery in today’s modern society? The word slavery sparks up heated conversations. The idea that all humans were born with their own rights, no matter what race or class they were in, was not prevalent during the early developmental stages of America. There has always been slaves throughout the history of man, dating all the way back to the 1600’s until today’s day in age when it is no longer legal but still seems to prevail. There are still cases in which slavery still exist but is more commonly hidden from the public eye. The only thing that has changed for slavery is the mindset behind it and the openness for it. Instead of race having to be the main aspect, people believed fate determined if you were free or enslaved. The people of that time believed that if you were born at the bottom of society you were indefinitely going to stay at the bottom in a society of poverty. How would people describe slaves? A slave is a person who is the property of another person. It is a person who is entirely under the influence or obedience of their proprietor. They are individuals being owned as if they were money and goods. Slavery in America dates all the way back to the early 17th century and was continually practiced for many decades after in the newly formed colonies and states. Slaves were first brought to America to aid in the production of tobacco, but as time went on the demand for cotton increased from the production of the cotton gin, resultingShow MoreRelatedThe Fiction Film District 9 And The Novel Dawn1244 Words   |  5 Pagesin today s society. Humans have made it possible to change society and end slavery. Slavery has always been a delicate topic, especially when it is experienced. Despite the differences between their color of their skin and culture slavery was abolished. Aliens depict a different feature of slavery but carry the same aspect . 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Spirit Of Project Management - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about The Spirit Of Project Management. Answer: Introduction Resource can be defined as the method which generally comprises of planning of resource for a project (Greene and Stellman, 2013). The term generally helps in analyzing the amount of resource which is needed for a project. Project management plays an important role for limiting the tight budget which is generally involved in this project that is construction of a gym. Discussion Kinds of Resource required in Gym The resource is nothing but a necessary asset which mainly aims in carrying out a certain number of task and projects related to it. A resource can be considered to be a kind of person, a tool and finance. Various projects need different kinds of project for completion of its order. Resource should be allocated before the starting of a project (Neal and Harpham, 2012). Poor or Bad planning of resource can result in running out of various kinds of resources in the middle phase of a project. Project management generally needs two kinds of abilities for correctly resourcing of a project that are technical needs and behavioral. Different technologies must be used for estimating the demands of resource, creation of a staff management plan, assign of one or more activities (Rowlinson, YunyanJia and ChuanjingJu, 2014). There are large number of tools which are used for identification and scheduling. Team plan is mainly done with help of human resource management plan and staff management pl an. Resource assignment is generally posted by making use of Gantt chart. Resource leveling is a technique which is used by workers for reducing the amount of slack which is available. Budget required in a Gym Plan cost management is the process or method which is used for establishment of policies, procedures and documents which are needed for a series of steps ranging from planning to controlling (Marle, Vidal and Bocquet, 2013). Cost management plan is a part of project management plan which is needed for determining the method how the cost will be planned, structured and controlled. Estimation of cost is method for development of process which is generally needed for completion of various kinds of activities of project. Project manager need to have an idea regarding when the cost estimation need to be developed. During the initiation of project various project managers need to be sure about the accuracy and the method which can be used. Determination of budget is technique of aggregation of cost individual activities or packages which is needed to be established for a baseline of cost. For proper development of budget, it is the duty of project managers to aggregate the cost of various products related to the given project (Rowlinson, YunyanJia and ChuanjingJu, 2014). Cost control can be defined as the method of analyzing the status of the project for updating of cost and baseline related to it. Resource Activity Budget Dumbbells With the help of dumbbells an endless of activities can be performed. Hex shaped dumbbells with rubber pads tends to last for a longer period and tends to be most comfortable during a workout. 3-5 sets in a range which can be used for various kinds of exercise. $24-30 Kettlebell Movements of kettlebells are similar to a dumbbell. Certain kettlebells have some unique movements and some movements are considered to have challenging while having workout with different products. $18-60 Pull up bar Pull up bars have large number of function like it can be used for various kinds of basis activities like hanging freely for a long period of time which means that each and every core. $25-30 Rings Rings are light weight things which can perform various kinds of body exercises. Rings improvise the ability to increase the variety of exercise by providing a variety of workouts by making use of lexicon of gymnastic exercise. $34-40 Plyo-box Boxes are considered to be great tool for building power and quickness. It can be used for number of activities like bench dips and activities related to non-jumping activities. $100-300 Jump rope Jumping of rope can increase the elasticity of lower muscle of leg. This tool is used for improvisation of coordination. $10-20 Barbell Barbell like other kinds of free weights are generally used because of the fact that it has a great stabilization and helps in enhancing the workouts. $49-72 Treadmill It is a well-known equipment which is used in gym. This machine or equipment provides a great warm up exercise before any kind of bone exercise. $499-550 Exercise balls Commercial gym is considered to be worthless or useless without this particular equipment. This exercise ball is very useful which can easily put a target on the abdominal muscles. $8-$14 Cable pulley machines A cable dependent is a well-known gym equipment which makes use of weight system. In this equipment the weight stack is generally lifted by various pulleys which can be utilized in one side or both the sides. $124-$250 Table 1: Resource and Budget table (Source: Created by Author) Conclusion From the above discussion it can be concluded that this report is all about kinds of resource which need in a project. The report also addresses on the idea regarding the budget which is needed for a project. Two tables have been developed regarding the budget and resource of this project that is construction of a gym. References Greene, J. and Stellman, A., 2013.Head First PMP: A Learner's Companion to Passing the Project Management Professional Exam. " O'Reilly Media, Inc." pp.115-180. Marle, F., Vidal, L.A. and Bocquet, J.C., 2013. Interactions-based risk clustering methodologies and algorithms for complex project management.International Journal of Production Economics,142(2), pp.225-234. Neal, J. and Harpham, A., 2012.The spirit of project management. Gower Publishing, Ltd.107-148. Rowlinson, S., YunyanJia, A., Li, B. and ChuanjingJu, C., 2014. Management of climatic heat stress risk in construction: a review of practices, methodologies, and future research.Accident Analysis Prevention,66, pp.187-198.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Influence of Supply and Demand on Corn Prices

Historical Trends in Corn Prices and Supply And Demand of Previous Years Prices have largely been influenced by the supply and demands rates. Regarding the supply factors for corn prices, specific attention should be paid to the analysis of stocks, production, and imports. The presented numerical data was premised on the situation with carryover and beginning stocks that influence supply rates of corn.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Influence of Supply and Demand on Corn Prices specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In particular, larger stocks ensured extra supplies in case the production level was low whereas small stocks did not provided safety grounds and could negatively influence supply. All these reforms contributed supply rates was significantly diminished causing increase in corn prices. However, it did not influence the corn price because the demand rates remain the same. Regarding the supply and de mand rates, corn prices in 2002/2003 period equaled to $ 0.34 per bushel whereas the period from 2003 to 2003 reveals a significant price rise by $ 1.66 per bushel. The next year, the price was almost doubled and reached $ 3.4 per bushel (Leibtag 2). The period of increase, from 2005 to 2005 is explained by an increased demand for corn-based ethanol production. Higher demand of corn use in food production has also contribute to the increase in supply, which followed by the increase in prices. The increase in price observed is associated with higher demand for ethanol. As a result, demand for corn increased due to the increased demand for ethanol, which later influenced positively the price of corn. Judging from the above, the farmers are likely to increase prices on corn because of the demand on the products made from corn – ethanol and corn flakes. Corn was also used for feeding cattle (Leibtag 4). The fluctuations in price were explained by higher demand for corn involved i nto the production of food, including ethanol, corn flakes, and corn syrup for beverages (Hoffman 2). The 2007-2008 marketing years also provides a significant increase in prices from $ 3.28 per bushel in 2007 to $ 5.26 per bushel in 2008 (National Agricultural Statistics Service 1). Annual report statistics on farm income for the period from 2008 to 2012 has proved that revenues for producing corns have witnessed $ 1.4 (0.7 %) rise. The increase is relatively lower that it was in period between 2007 and 2008 years (about $ 2). However, the corn prices follow a steady tendency of price augmentation.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A significant rise in prices observed in years 2007 and 2008 can be explained by variations in supply and demand on the product. In this respect, increased supply influences positively the price, but if supply increase along with demand, c orn price rates will be unchanged. At the same time, if demand increases, the price rates will also increase. Projection of Supply And Demand Numbers for the Next Year With regard to the above corn price rates due to the increased demand of corn, the future perspective promise to be positive. Increase in supply can also negatively influence the corn prices unless the demand rates fluctuate. Regarding the time series graphs (Sea â€Å"U.S. Corn Supply†), the supply of corn promises to augment steadily. The explanation for this can be presented with reference to corn price rates for the previous years. Hence, as it has been presented earlier, corn prices gradually augmented and experienced a significant rise in period between 2005 and 2007. Regarding the table, the supply of corn also been significantly increased. Therefore, it can be suggested that increase in supply can be connected to the increase in corn prices. Supply rates should be closely intertwined with demand levels because it will significantly influence the corn price fluctuations. Looking at the diagram (sea graph â€Å"U.S. corn utilization†) allows us to understand what factors does demand variations involve, including ending stock, export needs, corn-based ethanol production, and feed and residual needs. In addition, one can track a slight growth of corn utilization in the sphere of fuel alcohol production, that has grown by 7 million gallons from 2003 to 2009 (USDA n. p.). While synthesizing the demand and supply rates with the corn prices projections, it should be stressed that corn price will encounter a relative fall (See graph â€Å"U.S. corn price and stocks-to-use ratio†). Despite the fact that corn prices have extremely increased by 2009, a slight decline in corn prices will be expected in future years. So, the price for bushel will be below $ 4 (Hoffman 3). Despite the fact that corn prices will be lower, the demand for this product will be higher than in 2006 and a s a result, the prices will be much higher in 2012. Overall, the presented analysis proves that introduction of a new seed to the corn market can be beneficial due to a wide variety of perspective for corn price augmentation.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Influence of Supply and Demand on Corn Prices specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Potential Pitfalls of the Price Corn Analysis The correlations between previous trends and future trends prove that corn prices will be raised due to a number of factors. Specifically, the supply for corn will be higher because of demand of corn-based ethanol production, food and beverage production, and feed grain production. Despite the promising forecast, considering possible risks and pitfalls is also important. For instance, it is impossible to predict the regular increase in ethanol demand, which is among the key sources for corn farmers to receive significant net pr ofits. In addition, it is impossible to forecast how water utilization and fertilizer can influence the yield gains. Finally, trends in prices for other crops can also be increased, which can influence the supply and demand for corn. Recommendations to the Upper Managers Judging from the presented projection of corn price rates for the next year, the introduction of the new corn seeds should be introduced because it will have a number of benefits. First of all, because the supply and demand rates are relatively steady, the corn price will also remain stable. Second, the introduction of a new product will attract more farmers who want to increase demand for their products. Specifically, because they will be able to produce much greater amount of corn on the same area, they can receive much more revenues that they expect. Third, corn prices tendencies are likely to grow further due to the increased demand of corn that is often used for producing other important products, such as ethan ol, corn flakes, and feed corn for cattle. An important notice should be given to external factors that influence supply and demand rates of corn, which implies reviewing corn price fluctuation in a broader context. Finally, the presented graphs revealing information on the interdependency of corn price, supply, and demand prove the tendency of price stability in future. Works Cited Hoffman, Linwood, 2005, Forecasting the Counter-Cyclical Payment Rate for U.S. Corn. An Application of the Future Price. Electronic Outlook Report from the Electronic Research Service. PDF file. Leibtag, Ephraim. 2008, Corn Prices Near Record High, But What about Food Costs? Economic Research Service. Web.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More National Agricultural Statistics Service 2008, Agricultural prices –corn. PDF file. Web. USDA. USDA Feed Grain Baseline, 2010-2019. Corn: Market Outlook. 2010. Web. This research paper on Influence of Supply and Demand on Corn Prices was written and submitted by user Clark Marks to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Kristin Landeros Essays - Islam, Terrorism, Violence, Free Essays

Kristin Landeros Essays - Islam, Terrorism, Violence, Free Essays Kristin Landeros PROF. DIL SOC M01 07/17/17 Media ISIS is a terrorist group in Islam. They are also known as ISIL or IS. Only to prove it's approaching theories (due to their religious supremacy), this group has caused problems around the world. Islam, being the foundation of this group highly believes that ISIS will serve their God by accomplishing his wishes by their actions to improve mankind. If one does not serve their God as he wishes, they believe in brutally punishing those of ISIS who do not follow. ISIS has become heavily active and stronger than before and causing so much damage even in the United States. (Decoding Daesh: Why is the new name for ISIS so hard to understand?, by Alice Guthrie, 19 of February, 2015) The term ISIS means Islamic state. It is also known to mean Islamic State in al-Sham which is the name of their region in Arabic. ISIS has been a name that brings upon an issue with big companies, also being the name of an ancient Egyptian Goddess. ISIL means; Islamic State in Iraq the Levant. ISIS figured that ISIL was an appropriate name for the organization based on the geographical area they were in. Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan were all in Levant ( Para. 9 TERROR SAVAGESISIS - What does Isis stand for, what does Daesh mean and what's the correct name for the terrorist group,, June 16, 2017)". Regardless of the name, they all had the same goal. That goal was to create a state that will be ruled by strict rules brought upon Islamic Laws to every boarder. This radical group in Syria and Iraq used terrorism to take over land. Since the US are allies to Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. It is a big concern if ISIS targets these countries because if they were to have a war, that means we as the US would too. (Decoding Daesh: Why is the new name for ISIS so hard to understand?, by Alice Guthrie, 19 of February, 2015) There is a term that non supporters call ISIS / ISIL / IS and that is Daesh. This term means "Dwala al-Islamiyah fi al-Iraq", which mean can a list of things like; Thatdaeshis an Arabic word in its own right (rather than an acronym) meaning a group of bigots who impose their will on others' That it can be differently conjugated' to mean either the phrase above or to trample and crush' That one of the words in the acronym also means to trample or crush' That it is an insult or swearword in its own right That is has different meanings in the plural form (Decoding Daesh: Why is the new name for ISIS so hard to understand?, by Alice Guthrie, 19 of February, 2015) Parenti states that the mainstream media mixes up stories on purpose so that the news can be "industry friendly." Media, almost never take on stories that are subject to differing opinions. "The corporate mainstream media seldom stray in territory that might cause discomfort to those who hold political and economic power including those who own or advertise in it (METHODS OF MEDIA MANIPULATION, BY MICHAEL PARENTI para 3)." From what Parenti says, suppression by omission is a strategic way used by the mainstream media sources. Suppression is usually done to get the public away from the topics in question. Sometimes a story can be covered by mainstream sources without correctly telling the story to the public. These strategic ways are used to maintain profit. For example Parenti uses is " The Tylenol poisoning of several by a deranged individual was treated like big news, but the far more sensational story of the industrial black lung poisoning of thousands of factory workers by large manufacturing (METHODS OF MEDIA MANIPULATION, BY MICHAEL PARENTI, para 5)". I believe that we are influenced by what we are not told just as we are told. Being told repeatedly told that we are beautiful or anything in those terms would make us feel good. As opposed to not telling someone that repeatedly would make them feel oposit. We are definitely influenced by society from what we see a and hear. It seems like today that the media takes celebrity lines a

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Dayton, Mark essays

Dayton, Mark essays When Mark Dayton was sworn in as Minnesota's newest U.S. Senator in January 2001, it was the latest stop in a career that has kept public service to Minnesota and to the nation as its top priority. In more than three decades of service, in a variety of capacities, Mark has worked to use his skills and experience to make life better for the people of Minnesota and for people around the country. Mark was born in Minneapolis on January 26, 1947, and grew up in Minnesota's most prominent retailing family. Mark could have chosen many careers, but he chose to help those less fortunate than himself, and he has dedicated himself to that end throughout his career. After graduating cum laude from Yale University in 1969, where he played varsity ice hockey, he worked for two years in the New York City Public Schools as a 9th grade general science teacher. After spending the next four years as a counselor and administrator for a Boston social service agency, Mark went to work as a legislative as sistant to Minnesota Senator Walter Mondale, where he worked on a variety of issues important to his home state. In 1977, Mark returned to Minnesota to take a spot on Governor Rudy Perpich's staff. After one year, he was named the state's Commissioner of Economic Development. In 1982 he decided to make his own run for public office when challenged Republican U.S. Senator David Durenberger in a hard-fought race. Although he fell short, he gave the popular incumbent by far the toughest race of his Senate career. The following year, Mark became Minnesota's Commissioner of Energy and Economic Development, a post he held until 1986. In 1990, the people of Minnesota elected Mark to a four-year term as State Auditor. Throughout his career, he has also played an active role in helping Democratic candidates in Minnesota and across the country win public office and has been just as helpful to state, district and county Democratic organizations. In 1995 and 1996, Ma...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Qualcomm, Inc Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Qualcomm, Inc - Research Paper Example This was the beginning of the exponential growth of the company. The company nowadays has extensive portfolio not just in the United States of America, but the company has over 195 patent agreements around the world. This makes Qualcomm the best and the largest company in the communication sector. The company has also been very active in the growth of 3G and other wireless communication developments. Among various other development, company has developed several modern technologies in the industry including CDMA technology, 3G technology and QUALCOMM Enterprises Services (QES). QUALCOMM is also helping the governments around the world in setting up effective communication solutions. QUALCOMM has also started QUALCOMM licensing service though which the every new development that QUALCOMM makes is licensed to companies around the world so that this development is not concentrated to just one part of the world, but it spreads throughout the world evenly. (Qualcomm’s Official Webs ite, 2011) Qualcomm is threatened quite badly by the large amount of lawsuits that were filed against the company. Everyone these days seem to file lawsuits against the company. From the handset makers to cellular networks, everyone has given its own share of problems to the communication industry giant, QUALCOMM. These lawsuits range from antitrust law violations to licensing agreement. All of this could have created a mess if it was not QUALCOMM. It is one company that is spending huge sum on its team of defense attorneys. Hence, the company can fight it out by having out-of-the-court deals with the companies who have filed these lawsuits or else they can go with them hard in the court of law. In any case, QUALCOMM does not have too much to worry about and this problem is going to be handled more than effectively by the team of lawyers that are on QUALCOMM’s payroll. This problem also stemmed from the sharp growth of the communication industry in the last decade. This irreg ular resulted in a lot of problems and lawsuits for QUALCOMM. However, QUALCOMM is in a great position to come out of this problem as they have a great team of attorney to defend the company’s position. (Sidener, 2009) Another problem with QUALCOMM is its declining margin. In the latest quarter ending June 26 2011, QUALCOMM operating profit margin was 30 percent. This was a decline of 3 percent from the quarter previous year. This shows that operating expenses of QUALCOMM are rising faster than its revenues. This has caused the problem of declining QUALCOMM’s profitability. The scrutiny of financial statements reveals that this decline in profitability is a result of increasing cost of equipment and servicing costs. QUALCOMM can improve its position by moving towards more efficient operations. They should try to reduce the costs by as much as possible and should try to increase their revenues. This can be done by increasing the cost control methods and hiring operation managers at each cost centre. They should inspect the factors that are leading to wastage and should try to eliminate them so that the next quarter’s financial statements are more profitable and more ostentatious. (Qualcomm’s Income Statement, 2011) QUALCOMM operates in an industry and is facing high level of competition. It is reported that there are around 21 companies that provide competition to QUALCOMM directly or indirectly. This is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Case study - Essay Example Firstly it is necessary to say that towards the end of the twentieth century frozen desserts and ice creams have become the most favorite products in the United Kingdom. Ice cream is told to appear in the country in the early beginning of the century and quickly won the popularity. With the sales of more than $3 billion in the end of the 20th, ice cream was making come back as the most preferable product in UK. With other desserts such as ice milk, frozen yogurts, sherbets, and miscellaneous products the total revenue was about billions per year. (Kay 1995) The company â€Å"Fancy Ices and Desserts† is nowadays a division of a huge corporate manufacture Food and Beverage. It deals with supplying the products through the corporate supply chain. The company prefers to take any new product which is offered. The company is busy with selling desserts and fancy ice creams for the Cash-&-Carry markets. The products are not recognized consumer brands yet. The division also sells bulk product dispensed like the dispensing machines. The main distribution networks are Cash&Carry, Wholesale frozen distribution, bulk direct. The company has salesmen, who are territory based, but they work directly for regional directors and their responsibility is â€Å"dotted† line. The company has nowadays to increase the capital equipment, because there is an increase in bulk products sales. The negative moment is that present equipment requires maintenance and sometime it operates not on the highest level. Concerning competitors the company has main three rivals in the market place. For example in the sector cash&carry the company’s competitor is a branded rival with a marked standard. But the rival has very few specialists who are aware of current market trends in comparison to â€Å"Fancy Ices†. But the company has less money to spend on promotions in comparison to branded

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Overcoming Obstacles as a Teacher in the Modern Day Essay Example for Free

Overcoming Obstacles as a Teacher in the Modern Day Essay The teaching profession has always been a highly esteemed and revered occupation due to the fact that educators impart knowledge into the minds of every single individual throughout the population, whether the student decides to be a doctor, engineer, mechanic, politician or artist in adulthood, the foundation of their learning has came from a highly dedicated and resourceful educator. However, when examining this occupation in greater detail it can be observed that there are countless obstacles that effective teachers face every day. It is common knowledge that children have a short attention span and their teacher has the role of planning lessons, which engage the learner and guarantee that the lesson is one that interacts with the student and encourages them to be involved. They also must be aware of different methods to implement that will see the child remembering the material and retaining the information that the teacher is presenting for the future lessons. When teaching in the classroom, educators must be prepared when confronted with children showing ill desired and disruptive behaviours. It is the method in which the teacher reacts to these behaviours that will pave the way for the remainder of the year, if the teacher reacts in the correct manner and demonstrates to the child the expectations within the classroom then it can be anticipated that the student will understand what is and isn’t acceptable, a certain challenge. Attention is where learning begins and therefore attracting and upholding student attention is paramount (Curtindale, Laurie-Rose, Bennett Murphy, 2007). Attention capacity and duration is limited for every individual, this needs to be acknowledged in the classroom and strategies need to be formed to prevent students from neglecting important information in class. Learners find it particularly difficult and their attention easily shifts from one stimulus to another, caused by not only distractions from other students but also from outside the classroom. When students find it difficult to concentrate this can negatively impact not only their own learning but also the learning of others. Therefore, teachers must control and provide an environment that engages and holds students attention whilst teaching imperative material. Eggen (2010) states that effective teachers plan their lessons so students attend to what is being taught and ignore irrelevant stimuli. They must ensure that their lesson will be one that learners can actively be involved in and interact with, not just submissively require students to listen to what is needing to be taught, but experience it. Teachers may employ a variety of strategies to do this, from demonstrations to discrepant events and thought provoking questions. Another fundamental approach that creates an environment of achieving ones attention is calling on students by name. This guarantees that learners are aware that the teacher will not only call on the class as a whole but may call on them individually, by name, resulting in a need to be attentive. Chapin, O’Connor and Anderson (2009) make an interesting point however that as teachers we need to be mindful when calling on students to participate and remind them of their right to pass or ask for more time before answering in the classroom. The obligation to participate in a classroom does not equate to an obligation to give answers on demand† (Chapin et al. , 2009). When teachers practice these strategies for holding their learners attention and ensure that they are apart of the teaching not just observing it, the likelihood of the student’s memory retaining the material is also greatly increased. Another obstacle faced by teachers in the classroom is that of their learners retaining the material taught throughout the term, from one lesson to another. If any student in the class is having difficulty remembering the previous lesson, they have a high risk of falling behind in their learning and development, which can then lead to troubling behaviour. There are certain aspects of memory retention that must be understood and practiced in the classroom for students to achieve learning targets and overcome this impediment. These techniques are employed to take knowledge from a child’s working memory and encode it to be stored within their long term memory, ensuring that they are then able to recall this understanding and build upon it in future lessons. Schema activation is one such encoding strategy that involves activating prior knowledge so that new knowledge can be connected to it (Eggen 2010). One of the most effective ways of activating a student’s prior knowledge is through conducting reviews of the previous lesson before embarking on the new learning material. This ensures that the students form conceptual connections between what they have already learnt in the past and the material that they are about to be taught. Another effective method of encoding is material organisation, where related items of content are athered into categories that assist in illustrating the relationships between them. This can take the form of charts, models, outlines and hierarchies, which are all examples of organization systems. With the connections easily observable and the information well organized, the student is then able to retrieve this knowledge more easily, as stated by Ormrod (2006, pg190), Long-term memory retrieval is the process of â€Å"remembering previously stored information and â€Å"finding† it in memory†. If strategies are put in place by the educator in the classroom, the students will experience a greater retention of material and a greater ease at â€Å"finding† stored information from past lessons, also making certain that they are less likely to be disruptive and display adverse behavior, an obstacle that all teachers desire to prevent if possible. Classrooms are busy and often hectic places in which groups of students vary in interests and abilities must be organized and directed, in ways that maximize education and minimize disruptions. It is imperative that the teacher responsible for each class is equipped with knowledge and strategies that can be implemented when faced with undesirable behaviour from students. First and foremost, a teacher must show withitness within the classroom, they must notice the behavior of all students and respond quickly to unexpected events. The students will be much less likely to attempt negative behaviour knowing that the teacher is aware of every action and movement that occurs and the knowledge that there is a consequence, either positive or negative for every action. When faced with ill desired behaviour from a student, the teacher must first establish whether the student is going to take responsibility for their actions and if not, implement behavioral interventions – either reinforcement or punishment to ensure that the student understands that there are consequences for adverse behaviour. One approach that would create a rational response to the student’s behaviour would be to implement a negative reinforcement – for example, by taking away 5 minutes of the students free art time on Friday afternoon, whilst the rest of the class, has their full 30 minutes. Alternatively the teacher may use their judgment and decide to implement an effective form of punishment for the student instead. This may be a simple timeout for the misbehaving child or a more severe detention during their lunch break or after class. Regardless of the tactic that the teacher decides to use with this misbehaving student, once the student understands that there are consequences for poor behaviour, the probability of this behaviour continuing is scarce. Children that act in this manner and misbehave in class often look to their role model for discipline and in many situations their teacher may be their only adult role model in their life and therefore it is imperative that these situations are handled appropriately. In conclusion, it can be observed that there are many challenges that a teacher must overcome in their normal day-to-day occupation, with a majority of them that go unseen to the general public. Initially they must obtain the student’s attention and curiosity and then maintain it throughout the class, whilst having lessons planned around engaging the students and allowing them to experience what is being taught. They then must ensure that the pupil is being taught in a way that will ensure their long term memory to guarantee that they will remember the material and therefore build upon it in future lessons. Teachers must also be equipped with strategies and techniques to overcome ill desired behaviour from students in a way that creates an understanding of the expectations and classroom rules. Fortunately there are many teachers and educators that have gone before and paved the way for the future graduates, they have been willing to share their ideas, examples and methodology in regards to what they have found that has been successful and what has not. Techniques such as calling students by name to gain their attention, organizing new learning material in such a way that makes it easier for the students to retrieve it from their memory and implementing reinforcements in place of harsh punishment for students that are testing the boundaries within the classroom. This knowledge and experience from other mentors in the industry guarantees that the classroom of the future is not only a brighter place to be but also a well informed one.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Greek History Essay -- Greece Historic Historical Essays

Greek History Works Cited Missing Relatively little is known about the nature of life in Greece during the Neolithic and Early Helladic periods. Since there are no written records from these periods in Greek history, it is only possible to learn about the cultures that existed during this time by studying the remains of their settlements. The sites of Sesklo, Dimini, and Lerna are all good examples of the types of settlements that existed on mainland Greece from the Middle Neolithic period to the Early Helladic. Although they don’t give us a complete picture, these sites help us understand what life was like on the Greek mainland before the arrival of the people that are known today as the Greeks. During the Neolithic period the most advanced area of Greece was Thessaly. This area in northern Greece was the place where both Sesklo and Dimini were established. During the Helladic period the area of greatest advancement shifted to the south. This period is best represented by Lerna. Sesklo was first occupied in the Early Neolithic period but didn’t reach its peak until the Middle Neolithic. It was built on a low mound that had an area of about 100m by 45m. A large, two-room megaron which opened on to a paved courtyard was built at the center of the mound ( Near the megaron were various other smaller buildings packed closely together. One building stands out from the others, because it appears to have served a special purpose. That building is the two room building now identified as a potter’s workshop. The inhabitants of Sesklo surrounded the whole area on top of the mound with what appears to have been a single one meter thick wall. It’s uncertain whether thi... ...peaks in the development of the Greek mainland from the Neolithic to Helladic period. Each settlement represents a fairly significant advancement over its predecessor and shows how Greek settlements progressed over the years. These settlements also provide many clues about the nature of mainland Greek culture during this period of time. Even though we have no written records, by examining the architecture and artifacts of these cultures we are able to determine how their communities were organized. We are also able to determine the nature of their relationships with other settlements by examining their fortification systems. Although many things about early civilizations in Greece remain a mystery, we have learned much from these sites and continue to study them in hopes of gaining a more complete picture of what life was like for the early inhabitants of Greece.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Anger by Gender

Popular stereotypes typically do not associate females with the direct expression of anger. Brody and Hall ( 1993) reviewed research on gender and emotion and found that people very clearly see females as more expressive than males when it comes to many emotions, but not in regard to anger, which was associated with males.They cite studies that indicate the consistency of such beliefs; people from various socioeconomic and age backgrounds share the belief that anger is expressed more often and more intensely by males. Cultural norms encourage or at least allow males to respond angrily when provoked; cultural defmitions of femininity make it difficult for females to be openly hostile or angry. If women fail to restrain their anger, they tend to be viewed as emotional or hysterical (Buss, 2001).These assumptions are reflected in the research literature, which focuses primarily on male-to-male or male-to-female hostility and aggression, rather than hostility and aggression on the part o f females directed at either at men or other women.This double standard is beginning to erode. Some observers believe that women can be more aggressive and assertive today, although they are still subject to more limits than men (Averill, 1992).Francesca Cancian and Steven Gordon (1988) document a normative shift in the twentieth century, which actually encourages women today to express emotions such as anger. Their research linked marital emotion norms to political and cultural events and found that in periods of social upheaval, women are encouraged to be more open with their anger.Research presents mixed findings in regard to gender and various measures of anger and hostility.For self-reported hostility, paper-and-pencil measures such as the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory have not revealed sex differences. Barefoot. et al. ( 1991), using a large national sample, found that men outscored women on cynical hostility regardless of age. James Check and Neil Malamuth ( 1985) assessed hostility in Canadian women and men and found that the men's average score was slightly higher than the women's (8.79 versus 7.57).When men and women were asked to keep track of specific anger experiences, Campbell ( 1993) found no significant differences in the frequency of such experiences: over a oneweek period, men reported that they became angry between six and seven times, and women between five and six times. (Buss, 2001)Tavris ( 1989) examined sex differences in anger and found no differences in how anger is experienced, how it is expressed, how well it is identified, or what categories of things arouse anger. She believes, however, that although women do not feel anger any less strongly than men, they are less likely to express it because of the costs associated with their lower social status.Tavris points out that men and women become angry about the same categories of offenses, such as condescending treatment, injustice, and attacks on self-esteem, but they often disagree about what they consider to be condescending treatment, injustice, or attack.Frodi and Macaulay ( 1977) found that both women and men were angered by condescending treatment: women regardless of the provoker's sex and men by a superior attitude on the part of a female. Men were more angered than women by physical and verbal aggression on the part of another male.Brody and Hall ( 1993) reviewed studies showing that there are fairly clearcut differences in regard to positive emotions (with women experiencing and expressing them more), but in regard to negative emotions, especially anger, the findings are less consistent. Females were more likely to feel and express â€Å"intropunitive† emotions (such as shame, sadness, and guilt), and men were more likely to feel and express â€Å"outward directed† emotions (such as contempt).However, for anger, differences between the sexes are often very small or males are more angry than females. Kopper and Epperson (1991) looked at the relationship between sex and sex role identity on anger expression and found sex not to be an important factor in the expression or suppression of anger (however, sex role identity was).Some research finds more anger on the part of females. The review article by Brody and Hall ( 1993) cites research by Brody that found more anger on the part of women toward imaginary male protagonists.Mirowsky and Ross ( 1995) investigated whether women's greater distress accounts are a function of women's greater expressiveness (they are not) or whether they truly experience more distress (they do). In the process of their work they found that females experience various feelings, including anger, more often than males.Reiser ( 1994) explored respondents' feelings of anger toward the other sex using a random sample of North Carolina residents and found a significant sex difference, with female respondents reporting greater anger than male respondents. Conger et al. (1993, cited by Miroswky and R oss 1995) surveyed 451 married couples who lived in the rural Midwest and found that the women reported significantly greater levels of marital hostility than the men.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Customer Services

Unit 1 Assessment Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. †¢ The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a USB drive †¢ Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly †¢ When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference †¢ Then, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.Please note that this Assessment document has 13 pages and is made up of 5 Sections. Name: Organisation: Which organisation(s) are you basing your answers to this assessment on? If you are currently working, you may wish to base it on the organisation which employs you. Can you provide a brief description of this organisation? (Please note you will not be marked on this; it is simply to provide your tutor with a brie f outline. ) Section 1 – Understand the factors that affect an organisation and the customer service role 1.Complete the table below with a description of the products and services for at least two commercial organisations, public organisations and third sector organisations. Please ensure you provide a description for each organisation, rather than a list. |Organisation type |Name of organisation |Description of products and services | |Commercial | |Their products are Italian fashion related, such as clothes, shoes | |organisation |Monaco Couture |and accessories.Friendly customer services and value for money | | |Retail |products. | | | | | |Commercial |Wilton Patisserie |Wilton is a Greek bakery that has a huge cake selection for every | |organisation | |occasion.They make fresh pastries, bread, cookies and other | | | |related savouries and sweets baked goods, you can also find | | | |sandwiches and hot or cold drinks.They are focused in providing | | | |value for money product and friendly customer services. | |Public |Police |Activity it applies at the level of national security. Their | |organisation | |activities are directly coordinated by the government.Their task | | | |is, however, not profit, but to provide the necessary services to | | | |the government and citizen | |Public |Fire brigades |Fire-fighters    are rescuers extensively trained in fire fighting, | |organisation | |primarily to extinguish hazardous fires that threaten property and | | | |civilian or natural populations and to rescue people from dangerous| | | |situations, such as collapsed or burning buildings. | | | | | |Third sector organisation |Charities |A charitable organization is a type of non-profit organization | | | |(NPO). It differs from other types of NPOs in that it centres on | | | |non-profit and philanthropic goals as well as social well-being | | | |(e. g. haritable, educational, religious, or other activities | | | |serving the public int erest or common good). | |Third sector organisation |Hospices |Hospice an institution working in palliative care within the health| | | |system. | 2. Complete the table below by describing the differences in customer service between commercial, public and third sector organisations. You should outline customer service roles in each organisation and highlight the differences in how customer service is carried out across these organisations. Organisation type |Description of customer service and | | |the differences between organisations | |Commercial | | |organisation | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Public | | |organisation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Third sector | | |organisation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3. In relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), outline the part that customer service plays in this organisation and its industry as a whole. 4.Who are the major competitors to your current organisation (or one that you are familia r with)? 5. Identify at least two factors that could affect the reputation of your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with). Section 2 – Understand employee rights, responsibilities and organisational procedures 1. Use the table below to give details of employer and employee rights and responsibilities under employment law and the importance of having these (consider the importance to the organisation, employees and customers, where relevant). You should include at least two employer rights / responsibilities and at least two employee rights / responsibilities in your answer. Rights and responsibilities |Why are they important? | |1. Employer | | | | | | | | | | | |2.Employer | | | | | | | | | | | |1. Employee | | | | | | | | | | | |2.Employee | | | | | | | | | | | 2. Give details of employer and employee rights and responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act. You should include at least two employer rights / responsibilities and at least two empl oyee rights / responsibilities in your answer. |Who? Rights / responsibilities under Health and Safety at Work Act | | | | |Employer | | | | | |Employer | | | | | |Employee | | | | | |Employee | | 3. In relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), describe the organisation’s procedures for health and safety and any relevant documentation that is used. If possible, provide relevant health and safety policies / documents from the organisation to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. 4. Outline how the Disability Discrimination Act relates to employment. 5.In addition to the information provided in the questions above, identify the other key legislation that specifically relates to your chosen organisation and its industry as a whole. 6. Describe the procedures followed by your chosen organisation in relation to equality and diversity. Your answer should include details of any monitoring that takes place and documentation used to support this monitoring. Section 3 – Understand career pathways within customer service 1. Describe at least two different types of career pathways that may be available within a customer service role. 2. Identify a range of sources where a person can find information and advice on the customer service industry, occupations and career progression. | | |Information relating to: |Source(s) | | | | |Customer service industry | | | | | |Occupation | | | | | |Career progression | | 3. In your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), what methods of learning are available to help with career progression? 4.In your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), what is the procedure for accessing formal learning programmes? What is the procedure if an application for access to learning is refused? If possible, provide relevant organisational procedures to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. 5. Explain how new customer service situations can help with self-development and career progression. Section 4 – Understand how employees are supported within the customer service role 1. Identify a range of sources where a person can find information and advice on employment rights and responsibilities.You should identify at least three sources of information in your answer. 2. Complete the table below, identifying the representative bodies related to your chosen organisation / industry. You should also include details of the main roles and responsibilities of these bodies and their relevance to the organisation / industry. |Representative body |Roles and responsibilities |Relevance | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3. For a customer service role in your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), use the table below to provide de tails of the support that is available in relation to the following issues: a) Equality b) Health and safety c) Career progression |Issue |Sources of support |Equality | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Health and safety | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Career progression | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Section 5 – Know the organisation’s policies and procedures Please answer all of the questions in this Section in relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with). 1. Use the table below to describe the main principles, policies and procedures of your chosen organisation. You should also include details of documentation used to support these principles, policies and procedures. |Description |Supporting documentation | |Principles | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Policies | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Procedures | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2. How are the organisation’s principles communicated to employees? Explain this below. 3. Outline the policies and codes of practice that are adopted by the organisation. How are employees made aware of these policies and codes of practice? 4. Explain how employees are involved with and consulted on changes to the principles, procedures and policies within the organisation. 5. Use the table below to identify issues of public concern relating to the industry and organisation, and describe how these issues are addressed / dealt with. Issues of public concern |How they are addressed / dealt with | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Once you have completed all 5 Sections of this Assessment, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your work to your tutor for marking.

Friday, November 8, 2019

American Red Cross Society

American Red Cross Society Introduction Hopkins (2009, p. 6) defines nonprofit organization as â€Å"an entity that is not permitted to engage in forms of private benefit (increment).† Nonprofit organizations are organizations that often offer service or charities. They are non-compulsory and involve some degree of voluntary participation.Advertising We will write a custom thesis sample on American Red Cross Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A mission statement is a clear and concise statement that summarizes who the agency is what it does, to whom it does it and region of operation (Roberts, 1996). This paper reviews the mission statements of two nonprofit organizations. These are the American Red cross society, a humanitarian organization and the Japanese cultural and community centre of Northern California (JCCCNC). Discussion American Red Cross Society The current mission of the American Red Cross society states: â€Å"The American Red Cross, a humanitarian organization led by volunteers and guided by its Congressional Charter and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, will provide relief to victims of disaster and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies† (American Red Cross, 2011). This mission statement includes the purpose, which is the provision of assistance to disaster victims, support people in initiating preventive measures and responding to their needs when emergencies arise. Inherent in the purpose are the services provided by the organization. In addition, the beneficiaries are indicated as the victims of disaster. This statement however fails to capture the values of the organization that include helping other people in need, unity, an organization with a charitable character and learning that is continuous. The revised American Red Cross Mission statement could be read as â€Å"†¦ our mission is to work through voluntary spirit, in a united manner to provide relief to victims of disaster, help Americans prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies, while learning from these experiences.† Japanese Cultural and Community Centre of Northern California The company’s current mission statement states, â€Å"The JCCCNC strives to meet the evolving needs of the Japanese American community through offering programs, affordable services and facility usage† (JCCCNC, 2011).Advertising Looking for thesis on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The mission statement only highlights the purpose and the beneficiaries, yet even the services offered are not specific since the firm offers programs, affordable services and facility usage. It ignores other components of a mission statement that include a specific purpose, values and services. Japanese cultural and community centre of Northern California mission statement c ould be revised to become: â€Å"Through dedication and dream for the future, JCCCNC tries to meet the educational, cultural and social needs of the Japanese American community by preserving their cultural and historical heritage.† References American Red Cross. (2011). The American Red Cross Society. Retrieved from: Hopkins, R. (2009). Starting and managing a non-profit organization. (5th Ed.). New York, NY: Wiley JCCCNC, (2011). Japanese cultural and community centre of Northern California. Web. Roberts, S. (1996). The business of personal training. Illinois: Human Kinetics.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Interesting Ancestors of Emily and Zooey Deschanel

The Interesting Ancestors of Emily and Zooey Deschanel Bones, a FOX television series starring Emily Deschanel as Dr. Temperance Brennan and David Boreanaz as FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth, is one of my favorite fun television shows. Bones is based on the Kathy Reichs novels that I also enjoy. I love Emily Deschanels acting, and I cant resist digging into French ancestry when presented with the opportunity... Yes, Deschanel Is French The Deschanel surname, as it sounds, is French. Emily and Zooeys grandfather, Paul Jules Deschanel, was born in Oullins, Rhà ´ne, France  on 5 November 1906 and immigrated to the U.S. in 1930. Pauls parents, Joseph Marcelin Eugà ¨ne Deschanel and Marie Josephine Favre, married in Vienne, Isà ¨re, Rhà ´ne-Alpes, France on 20 April 1901. They both remained in France, although Marie did make several trips to the U.S. to visit her children. The two died in Lyon in 1947 and 1950, respectively. From there the Deschanel line stretches back through several generations of weavers from Planzolles, a tiny commune in the department of Ardà ¨che, France.1 Additional French surnames in the Deschanel family include Amyot, Borde, Duval, Sautel, Boissin and Delenne, and the records of many of Emily Deschanels French ancestors can be viewed online. Quaker Ancestry Emilys paternal grandmother, Anna Ward Orr, descends from a family of Quakers from Lancaster and Chester counties in Pennsylvania. Several, including her great-grandparents Adrian Van Bracklin Orr and Beulah (Lamb) Orr, and great-great-grandparents Joseph M. Orr and Martha E. (Pownall) Orr, are buried in the  Sadsbury Meeting Cemetery. Beulah Lamb, also from a  Quaker family, was born in Perquimans County, North Carolina to Caleb W. Lamb and Anna Matilda Ward. Both the Lamb and Ward families were in Perquimans County for generations. Deep Ohio and New York Roots Ohio roots run deep on the maternal side of Emily Deschanels family tree. The Weir immigrant ancestor, William Weir, emigrated from Lifford, Donegal, Ireland to America in 1819 aboard the Conestoga, and eventually settled in Brown, Carroll, Ohio. Emily Deschanel descends from Williams youngest son, Addison Mohallan Weir, through his second wife, Elizabeth Gurney. Interestingly, this takes us back to France, as Elizabeths father, George William Guerney was born in France - Belfort (possibly Belfort or another commune in the department of Territoire-de-Belfort) according to the death certificate of his eldest daughter, Jenny (Guerney) Knepper, which also stated that her mother, Anna Hanney, was born in Bern, Switzerland. Another Ohio ancestor of Emily Deschanel is Henry Anson Lamar, a steamer pilot on the Great Lakes. Henrys wife, Nancy Vrooman, was born in Schoharie, New York, a descendant of Hendrick Vrooman who emigrated from the Netherlands with two brothers to settle in New Netherland (New York) during the 17th century. He sadly was one of 60 people killed at the Schenectady Massacre of 1690. Six generations back in the family tree of Emily and Zooey Deschanel is an interesting New York farmer named Caleb Manchester, descendant of an early Rhode Island family. He and his wife, Lydia Chichester, settled on a farm near Scipioville, Cayuga, New York where they lived for 48 years and  raised 4 sons and 7 daughters, only two of whom survived them. Newspaper accounts tell the story of Calebs sudden death on 5 October 1868 at his home in Scipioville. Caleb Manchester, of Scipio, was discovered lying dead in his barn on Monday last. He went from his house, apparently in usual health, to harness a team, and it is supposed must have been seized by a fit.2 Yes, They Have Irish Ancestry Too Biographies of Emily Deschanel also often mention her Irish ancestry, which she does have   her maternal great-great grandmother, Mary B. Sullivan, was born in Painesville, Lake County, Ohio to Irish immigrants John Sullivan and Honora Burke. Sources: 1. Planzolles, Ardà ¨che, France, naissance, Jean Joseph Augustin Deschanel, 26 Mai 1844;Les Archives dà ©partementales de lArdà ¨che - Registres paroissiaux et detat civil. 2.  Central New York News,  The (Syracuse) Journal, 9 October 1868, page 2, col. 1;New York State Historical Newspapers - Old Fulton NY Post Cards

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Characteristics of the Kingdom Animalia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Characteristics of the Kingdom Animalia - Essay Example The kingdom Animalia consists of over thirty different major phyla including Mollusca, Arthropoda,Cnidaria, and Chordata. The Chordates are the ones that are most popularly thought of as animals, but insects and mollusk-like creatures are just as much an animal as a koala bear and giraffe. Interestingly, the insects make up 87% of all the animal species on the planet. Members of the group Chordata are indeed special within the Animal kingdom though. They have in common five unique characteristics which distinguish them from other animals. At some point during their development Chordates have the following body structures: a notochord, gills, a hollow nerve cord, a tail past the anus, and a digestive tube behind the mouth. All animals have the ability to move around at a relatively rapid pace because of the presence of muscle tissue within their anatomy. In contrast members of the plant kingdom are generally rooted to one spot during their entire adult life.The Animal kingdom contains more members than any other kingdom with likely over a million different species on the planet. They range in size from just a few cells to whale-sized. Most of the animals on the earth live in the sea, some live in fresh water, and the smallest percentage of the Animal kingdom live on land. The Animal kingdom includes all amphibians, birds, bugs, fish, invertebrates, mammals, reptiles, and even prehistoric creatures such as dinosaurs and mammoths.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Book exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Book exam - Essay Example A union was created and demands were drawn. For instance, since the law stated a fifty-four hour work week, they posed a fifteen percent increase in their wages. With all of these happening, the employers insisted on not granting the demands of the laborers since they are gearing up to cost reduction. I should say that the strike was brought about by a number of reasons. As mentioned earlier, their work states are meager. Then, they don’t receive support from their employers when it comes to their labor rights, in fact; they received deprivation and discrimination from them. Even their own local official responded callously to their demands, sending militia units instead of negotiating in a civil manner to them. They applied force to the workers, even to women and children. The upheaval caught the attention of several states that expressed apparent aversion to the employers’ treatment of the mill workers of Lawrence. Honesty in wealth acquisition is somehow unlikely, especially when they get a hold of it quickly. It is improbable to obtain affluence without hurting people, physically or emotionally and tweaking rules, thus resulting to corruption. Allegedly, this happens to officials sitting in power, since their influence is immense and sad to say, some of them are even rule makers. On Father James O’Reilly’s account on the strike that it is not about the wages instead it is a war against authority, religion and home and themselves, I’d say that the people were not Anti-American in a sense that most of them, to start with, is not born and raised in America. Most of them were immigrants counting on the thought that they will be treated fairly and lawfully. Another point is that they are performing the strike to improve the work conditions of the people, not only the ones working on the factory, but the entire working community. They have expressed their will to eliminate discrimination in the work place. Their participation in the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Field Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Field Study - Assignment Example The climate here is extremely similar to that in the coastal areas a long Mediterranean. Even though, temperatures are comparatively constant, there exist two distinct seasons, which are wet and dry with more than three quarters of yearly precipitation occurring between the month of November and March. Possibly the most outstanding characteristic of the typical weather is the banks of mist that can roll in off the ocean, covering several parts of the city within a short time and disappearing again quickly (Seiffert, 23). The fog is remarkably regular on summer mornings, arising from the cooler ocean and backing up adjacent to the hills, though it may also come from the colder local areas throughout the winter. The fog influences various elevations in different amounts, covering San Francisco in complex prototype of fog and sunshine. The latitude as well as longitude of San Francisco in California is 37Â ° 46' 30" N / 122Â ° 25' 5" W. It covers an area of 47 square miles (2000). Its elevation is 155 feet above the sea level. The average temperatures range between January, 52.3Â °F, August, 62.4Â ° F and an annual average of 58.6Â ° F. The average annual precipitation is also22.1 inches. The Sun is in the North facing slopes. According to my observation, in summer the circulation of temperature around the surface is determined in most of the areas by the result of degree of difference in heating between both land and water surfaces. The temperatures vary between coastal ocean water as well as land surfaces. Land surfaces, which are 15 to 20 miles, inland gets to 350F and even more on several afternoons. During the night, this contrast normally reduces to less than 100. During winter, the mean temperature maxima as well as minima reverse the summer one in that during the day the variations are exceedingly small. At the same time, mean minimum, temperatures reflect large variation and strong gradients. The sheltered valley has coldest temperatures, meaning str ong radiation inversions as well as inadequate vertical diffusion. There is evidence of the effects of wind such as the trees shapes and sand dunes. The trees are not straight in shape. The drifting sand caused by wind has created a number of dune lakes, of which Lake Merced is the largest. In addition, there are water bodies surrounding the San Francisco. The water temperature is warmer than the surrounding air. These temperatures differences are based on water depth. The deeper the water body, the higher the temperatures, and the shallow the water body the lower the temperatures. The city of San Francisco has several geographic features, which include the main landforms of coastal lands, deserts, mountains, as well as, the central valley. The San Francisco Bay is characterized by complex terrain comprising of, the coastal mountain, ranges, inland valleys as well as bays. The elevations of 1500 feet are usually common in the higher grounds of this area. It can obviously be seen tha t normal wind move, over the bay would be radically interrupted in the lowest areas. This is true when the air mass is constant, and velocity of wind is not strong. When winds flowing over the area are strong and unstable air masses, this distortion is lowered. The distortion is higher when there are low-level inversions present with the surface air, under the inversion, moving without the air above the inversion (Borzak 111). This condition is much common during the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Summative Assessment for Poverty as a Challenge Essay Example for Free

Summative Assessment for Poverty as a Challenge Essay A. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1. Every _________ person in India is poor. (a) third (b) fourth (c) fifth (d) sixth 2. Vulnerability to poverty is determined by the options for finding an alternative living in terms of (a) assets (b) education (c) health (d) all the above 3. Social exclusion denies certain individuals the (a) facilities (b) benefits (c) opportunities (d) all the above 4. How many people in India live below the poverty line? (a) 30 crores (b) 26 crores (c) 28 crores (d) 24 crores 10. What is the poverty ratio in the state of Orissa? (a) 50% (b) 47% (c) 60% (d) 57% 11. In which state has the high agricultural growth helped to reduce poverty? (a) Jammu Kashmir (b) West Bengal (c) Punjab (d) Gujarat 12. In which state have the land reform measures helped to reduce poverty? (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Punjab (c) West Bengal (d) Kerala 13. Which state has focussed more on human resource development? (a) Gujarat (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Maharashtra (d) Kerala (1 mark) 5. Which organisation carries out survey for determining the poverty line? (a) NSSO (b) CSO (c) Planning Commission (d) None of the above 6. Which social group is most vulnerable to poverty in India? (a) Schedule castes (b) Schedule tribes (c) Casual labourers (d) All the above 7. Which two states of India continue to be the poorest states? (a) Madhya Pradesh, Jammu Kashmir (b) Uttar Pradesh, Utarakhand (c) Orissa, Bihar (d) None of the above 8. Poverty line in rural areas (As per 1999 – 2000 prices) is (a) Rs 328 (b) Rs. 370 (c) Rs 454 (d) Rs. 460 9. Who are poorest of the poor? (a) Women (b) Old people (c) Children (d) All the above 14. In which state is the public distribution system responsible for the reduction in poverty? (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above 15. What is the main cause of poverty in India? (a) High income inequalities (b) Less job opportunities (c) High growth in population (d) All the above 16. Which of the following is responsible for high poverty rates? (a) Huge income inequalities (b) Unequal distribution of land (c) Lack of effective implementation of land reforms (d) All the above 17. What is the biggest challenge to independent India? (a) illiteracy (b) Child labour (c) Poverty (d) Unemployment 18. In rural sector which of the following is not poor? (a) Landless agricultural workers (b) Backward classes (c) Rural artisans (d) Medium farmers 19. Nutritional level of food energy is expressed in the form of (a) calories per day (b) wheat consumption (c) rice consumption per day (d) none of the above 20. As per Planning Commission, minimum daily intake of calories for determining poverty line for rural area is : (a) 2100 (b) 2400 (c) 1500 (d) none of the above 21. Poverty ratio in India as compared to Pakistan is : (a) same (b) half (c) twice (d) two and a half times 22. Common method to measure poverty in India is based on (a) income level (b) subsistence consumption level (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of the above 23. Decline in poverty in Kerala is due to (a) emphasising more on human resource development (b) land reform measures (c) efficient public distribution of foodgrains (d) none of the above 24. To generate wage employment our government has started (a) National Social Assistance Programme (b) National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (c) Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana (d) None of the above 25. In which group of countries did poverty ratio remain constant? (a) South Asian countries (b) Latin American countries (c) Socialist countries (d) None of the above 26. Poverty line prescribed by World Bank (As per 2001 study) is : (a) $ 1 per day (b) $ 2 per day (c) $ 5 per day (d) $ 6 per day 27. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (2005) provides assured employment to every rural household for (a) 120 days (b) 100 days (c) 60 days (d) 50 days B. QUESTIONS FROM CBSE EXAMINATION PAPERS 3. Which of the following programmes was launched in the year 2000 ? [2011 (T-2)] (a) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (b) Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana (c) Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (d) Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana 4. Who conducts the periodical sample surveys for estimating the poverty line in India? [2011 (T-2)] (a) National Survey Organisation (b) National Sample Survey Organisation (c) Sample Survey Organisation (d) None of the above 2 1. Who advocated that India would be truly independent only when the poorest of its people become free of human suffering? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Indira Gandhi (c) Jawahar Lal Nehru (d) Subhash Chandra Bose 2. Which one of the following states in India has focussed more on human resource development? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Punjab (b) Karnataka (c) Kerala (d) Tamil Nadu 28. In how many states and Union Territories is poverty ratio less than the national average? (a) 20 (b) 22 (c) 16 (d) 18 29. Poverty line in urban areas (As per 1999 – 2000 prices) is : (a) Rs. 354 (b) Rs. 454 (c) Rs. 554 (d) Rs. 455 30. Poverty ratio in Bihar (As per Planning Commission Report 1999 – 2000) is (a) 40% (b) 43% (c) 46% (d) 47% 5. When was National Rural Employment Guarantee (NREGA) Act passed? [2011 (T-2)] (a) 2000 (b) 1995 (c) 2005 (d) 1993 6. Which category does not come under the category of Urban Poor? [2011 (T-2)] (a) The Casual workers (b) The Unemployed (c) The Shopkeeper (d) Rickshaw-pullers 7. How many per cent of Indian people were poor in the year 2000? [2011 (T-2)] (a) 36% (b) 46% (c) 26% (d) 29% 8. Which state has the highest percentage of poor? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Bihar (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Assam (d) Orissa 9. Average calories required per person per day in rural areas in India are: [2011 (T-2)] (a) 2400 calories (b) 2800 calories (c) 3200 calories (d) 3600 calories 10. Which scheme was started in 1993 to create self-employment opportunities for educated unemployed youth in rural areas and small towns? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana (b) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (c) Rural Employment Generation Programme (d) Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana 11. For how many days NREGA provides employment? [2011 (T-2)] (a) 70 (b) 80 (c) 90 (d) 100 12. Who is considered as poor? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Landlord (b) Landless labourer (d) Businessman (c) A rich farmer 13. Which among the following is the method to estimate the poverty line in India? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Investment method (b) Capital method (c) Human method (d) Income method 14. Which one of the social groups is vulnerable to poverty? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Scheduled caste (b) Urban casual labour (c) Rural agricultural household (d) All the above 3 15. By which year governments are aiming to meet the Millennium Development Goals including halving the rate of global poverty? [2011 (T-2)] (a) 2011 (b) 2015 (c) 2045 (d) 2035 16. What is the average calories required in rural areas for measuring poverty? [2011 (T-2)] (a) 2400 calories per person per day (b) 2100 calories per person per day (c) 2800 calories per person per day (d) None of these 17. What is not one of the major causes of income inequality in India? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Unequal distribution of land (b) Lack of fertile land (c) Gap between rich and poor (d) Increase in population 18. In which of the following countries did poverty actually rise from 1981–2001? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Sub-Saharan Africa (b) India (c) China (d) Russia GO YA L BR OT HE RS 19. The calorie requirement is higher in the rural areas because: [2011 (T-2)] (a) they do not enjoy as much as people in the urban areas (b) food items are expensive (c) they are engaged in mental work (d) people are engaged in physical labour 20. Which of the following is an indicator of poverty in India? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Income level (b) Illiteracy level (c) Employment level (d) All of these 21. Which one of the following economic groups is vulnerable to poverty? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Scheduled caste (b) Scheduled tribes (c) Rural agricultural household (d) All the above 22. Which one of these is not a cause of poverty in India? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Low level of economic development (b) Migration of people from rural to urban India (c) Income inequalities (d) Unequal distribution of land PR AK AS HA N 23. Which of the following is not a valid reason for the slow progress of poverty alleviation programmes in India? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Lack of proper implementation (b) Lack of right targeting (c) Corruption at the highest level (d) Overlapping of schemes 24. What is the accepted calories requirement in urban areas? [2011 (T-2)] (a) 2000 cal/person/day (b) 2100 cal/person/day (c) 2300 cal/person/day (d) 2400 cal/person/day 25. Which communities are categorised as economically vulnerable groups in India? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Scheduled caste (b) Agricultural labour household (c) Scheduled tribes (d) All the above 26. Which industry suffered the most during colonial period? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Jute (b) Textile (c) Indigo (d) All the above 27. Calorie requirement in rural areas is more than in the urban areas because: [2011 (T-2)] (a) rural people eat more (b) rural people have big bodies (c) rural people do more hard physical work (d) rural people have to take more rest (c) Lack of access to health care (d) Lack of job opportunities 32. Full form of NFWP is: [2011 (T-2)] (a) National federation for work and progress (b) National forest for wildlife protection (c) National food and wheat processing (d) National food for work programme 33. Who are considered as the poorest of the poor? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Scheduled castes (b) Scheduled tribes (c) Disaster struck people (d) Women, female, infants and old people 34. Which country of South-East Asia made rapid economic growth resulting in significant decline in poverty? [2011 (T-2)] (a) India (b) China (c) Nepal (d) Pakistan 35. In which part of the world poverty has remained the same during 1981 to 2001? [2011 (T-2)] (a) South Asia (b) Sub-Saharan Asia (c) China (d) Latin America 36. Which of the following states has the poverty ratio below the national average? [2011 (T-2)] (a) West Bengal (b) Uttar Pradesh (c) Assam (d) Maharashtra 37. In year 2000 what was the average Indian poverty ratio? [2011 (T-2)] (a) 15% (b) 43% (c) 26% (d) 47% 38. The organisation that conducts surveys for finding poverty levels in India is. [2011 (T-2)] (a) NSSO (b) USO (c) World Bank (d) None of these 39. The current anti-poverty programe consists of two planks, they are: [2011 (T-2)] (a) Socio-economic reasons and public distribution system (b) Promotion of economic growth and targeted poverty programe (c) Anti-poverty programe and public distribution system (d) None of the above 40. In 2000 the percentage of people below poverty line in India was: [2011 (T-2)] (a) 26% (b) 46% (c) 56% (d) None of the above 4 28. Poverty ratio in which of the following states is above the national average? [2011 (T-2)] (a) West Bengal (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Karnataka 29. The most vulnerable social groups for poverty are: [2011 (T-2)] (a) Scheduled tribes (b) Urban casual labourers (c) Rural agricultural labourers (d) Scheduled castes 30. Which of the following states of India has the highest poverty ratio? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Bihar (b) Orissa (c) Punjab (d) Assam 31. Which of the following is not considered as a social indicator of poverty? [2011 (T-2)] (a) Less number of means of transport (b) Illiteracy level

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Abortion Essay -- social issues

Abortion From 1973 to 1987, over 22 million abortions have been performed. Pro-lifers would call that a terrible waste of humanlife. True, 22 million lives were taken, but I believe that we are better off without those. Webster's dictionary defines abortion as "the expulsion of anonviable fetus." Abortion might possibly be the mostcontroversial topic right now. I'm sure by now that you've heard of all the different types ofabortion. Almost all abortions performed in the US are surgicalabortions, where the fetus is removed by suction or other means.(Medication offers another option, to be discussed later in thisreport.) During a suction abortion, the fetus is dismembered anddisposed of by a small tube. This process takes but about 10 minutes, and the mother experiences very little or no physicaldiscomfort. Pro-lifers immediately say that emotional trauma andguilt haunts every woman after she has an abortion. However,during my research, I found numerous women who led (and continueto lead) prominent and scot-free lives after their abortions. Ithink that the mental state of the mother depends very much onher personal feelings toward abortion, and the actual experiencethe had before and during the abortion. I have found that most of the time,they employ the use of a few strategies for making their viewsknown. One tactic pro-lifers use to convince people of theirviews is to play on fear and emotions. Their graphicdesc riptions and gruesome pictures are a crude attempt to "scare" people out of abortion, while their pious talk andsobbing try to make us feel sorry for them and the unborn.Another popular strategy of pro-lifers is to protest things like"Life begins at conception! The fetus is human!" Science hasproven these facts, and pro-choicers are by no means trying todeny them. However, pro-choicers feel that the rights of theparents (namely the mother) override the rights of the unbornchild.Neither of these tactics work on pro-choicers like myself. True,pro-lifers are entitled to voicing their opinion (just as I am),but I feel that some of their methods (as illustrated in thenext section) are very unorthodox. A new bill was introduced in April 1994. The Freedom of Accessto Clinic Entrances Act (aka FACE or FACEA) protects womenseeking abortion, and the facilities performing them.Specifically, FACE protects reproductive health service staffand patients from vi... ...arepeople out of abortion. Judging by the reaction of the class,people have wised-up to pro-lifers. People will no longertolerate being bombarded with graphic descriptions, gorypictures, and sorrowful testimonies. To but it bluntly, I am fedup with extreme pro-lifers. Granted, not all of them are as badas I make them out to be, but about a year ago, while walkingout of my dad's office at Jewish Hospital, we were "harassed" bythree pro-lifers. At first I thought they would respect ourprivacy and let us pass. However, they blurted out "Did you knowthat there are abortions being performed at Jewish Hospital?!"What did they intend that question to accomplish? We tried toignore them kept walking, but they persisted and attempted toforce their pamphlets and handouts on us. I would have had noproblem had they simply offered us a pamphlet, but I feltviolated when they thrust them into our faces. After researching this report, I still hold my ground about being pro-choice. I think that th e woman's rights override thoseof the fetus. Regardless of the reason or circumstances safe,reliable abortion should be made available to any woman. Acts of Violence Against Abortion Providers and Clients.